Source code for umansysprop.results

# vim: set et sw=4 sts=4 fileencoding=utf-8:
# Copyright 2014 Dave Jones <>.
# This file is part of umansysprop.
# umansysprop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# umansysprop is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# umansysprop.  If not, see <>.

``umansysprop.results`` Module

This module defines the classes used to encapsulate results returned by the
UManSysProp server. Each tool method on the client will return an instance of
the :class:`Result` class which in turn contains one or more :class:`Table`


.. autoclass:: Result


.. autoclass:: Table

from __future__ import (
str = type('')

import sys
import json
import itertools

[docs]class Result(list): """ Represents a list of named :class:`Table` objects. The result of a method is represented as a sequence of tables. This class contains a list of :class:`Table` objects each of which may be retrieved by name, or by index in the list (tables with identical names are not ignored, but only the first table may be retrieved by name). .. note:: This class has an extended string representation intended for easy command line debugging. Simply print an instance of the class to view a dump of all the tables contained within it. """ def __init__(self, *tables): super(Result, self).__init__(tables) @classmethod def from_json(cls, obj): """ This class constructor accepts a parsed JSON object (created by :func:`umansysprop.renderers.render_json`, or with the same structure produced by that function) and constructs the :class:`Result` from this structure. """ def to_tuple(v): if isinstance(v, list): return tuple(v) else: return v tables = [] for table_dict in obj: name = table_dict['name'] title = table_dict['title'] rows_title = to_tuple(table_dict['rows_title']) rows_unit = to_tuple(table_dict['rows_unit']) cols_title = to_tuple(table_dict['cols_title']) cols_unit = to_tuple(table_dict['cols_unit']) rows = [] cols = [] data = {} for datum in table_dict['data']: key = datum['key'] value = datum['value'] row_key, col_key = (to_tuple(v) for v in key) if row_key not in rows: rows.append(row_key) if col_key not in cols: cols.append(col_key) data[(row_key, col_key)] = value tables.append(Table( name, rows, cols, data=data, title=title, rows_title=rows_title, rows_unit=rows_unit, cols_title=cols_title, cols_unit=cols_unit)) return cls(*tables) def __getattr__(self, name): for table in self: if == name: return table return super(Result, self).__getattr__(name) def __str__(self): return '\n'.join( line for table in self for line in (, '=' * len(, '', str(table), '', ) )
[docs]class Table(object): """ Represents a single table in a :class:`Result`. A tool is expected to return a sequence of :class:`Table` objects in a :class:`Result` object. Each table has a :attr:`name` (which can be used to access it in the :class:`Result` object), an ordered list of keys for :attr:`rows` and :attr:`cols`, and a function which is used to derive the data for each cell. The function accepts two arguments, the row and column key in that order, and is expected to return a scalar value. The reason for constructing a table in this manner (lazy evaluation) is that it enables renderers to query the table structure and layout without necessarily calculating anything. Calculated data is cached on the assumption that such calculations are expensive. The row and column keys can be any immutable value (immutability is required as they will form keys in a dict at evaluation time). Keys which are tuples will be treated specially as renderers. For example, if each row key is a 2-tuple, then each row in the resulting table will have two row headers in two separate columns at the left of the table. This can aid in representing data with more than 2 dimensions in a table. Consider a result set keyed by values A, B, and C. The table can be constructed with a series of 2-tuple row keys (A, B), while the column can be scalar C values. The resulting table will be rendered as follows: +----+----+------+------+------+ | | | C1 | C2 | C3 | +====+====+======+======+======+ | A1 | B1 | data | data | data | + +----+------+------+------+ | | B2 | data | data | data | +----+----+------+------+------+ | A2 | B1 | data | data | data | + +----+------+------+------+ | | B2 | data | data | data | +----+----+------+------+------+ Optional attributes also exist for :attr:`title`, :attr:`rows_title`, :attr:`cols_title`, :attr:`rows_unit`, and :attr:`cols_unit` (these all default to an empty string if omitted). In the case that tuples are used for row or column keys, the corresponding title and unit values must be tuples as well. .. note:: Like :class:`Result`, this class has an extended string representation intended for easy command line debugging. Printing an instance of this class will produce a human readable string representation of the table's row and column keys along with the calculated data. .. autoattribute:: as_ndarray .. autoattribute:: as_dataframe .. autoattribute:: col_dims .. autoattribute:: col_titles .. autoattribute:: cols .. autoattribute:: cols_iter .. attribute:: cols_title A string or tuple of strings giving the title of each column dimension. Note that if :attr:`col_dims` is 1, this may be either a string or a 1-tuple containing a string. The associated :attr:`col_titles` attribute may be easier to work with. .. attribute:: cols_unit A string or tuple of strings giving the units of each column dimension. Note that if :attr:`col_dims` is 1, this may be either a string or a 1-tuple containing a string. The associated :attr:`col_units` attribute may be easier to work with. .. autoattribute:: data .. autoattribute:: data_iter .. attribute:: name The name of the table. This is intended for scripting usage and as such will only ever contain a string beginning with an alphabetic character followed by zero or more alphanumeric characters or underscores. .. autoattribute:: row_dims .. autoattribute:: row_titles .. autoattribute:: rows .. autoattribute:: rows_iter .. attribute:: rows_title A string or tuple of strings giving the title of each row dimension. Note that if :attr:`row_dims` is 1, this may be either a string or a 1-tuple containing a string. The associated :attr:`row_titles` attribute may be easier to work with. .. attribute:: rows_unit A string or tuple of strings giving the units of each row dimension. Note that if :attr:`row_dims` is 1, this may be either a string or a 1-tuple containing a string. The associated :attr:`row_units` attribute may be easier to work with. .. attribute:: title The human readable title of the table, typically rendered in the web interface as the table's caption. """ def __init__( self, name, rows, cols, func=None, data=None, title='', rows_title=None, cols_title=None, rows_unit=None, cols_unit=None): if func is None and data is None: raise ValueError('Either func or data must be specified') self._rows = tuple(rows) self._cols = tuple(cols) if not self._rows: raise ValueError('Table must have at least one row key') if not self._cols: raise ValueError('Table must have at least one column key') self._row_dims = len(self.rows[0]) if isinstance(self.rows[0], tuple) else 1 self._col_dims = len(self.cols[0]) if isinstance(self.cols[0], tuple) else 1 self.rows_title = self._keys_default(rows_title, self.row_dims) self.rows_unit = self._keys_default(rows_unit, self.row_dims) self.cols_title = self._keys_default(cols_title, self.col_dims) self.cols_unit = self._keys_default(cols_unit, self.col_dims) self._row_spans = self._calculate_spans(tuple(self.rows_iter), self.row_dims) self._col_spans = self._calculate_spans(tuple(self.cols_iter), self.col_dims) self._func = func self._data = data = name self.title = title def _keys_default(self, value, dims): if value is None: if dims == 1: value = '' else: value = ('',) * dims if dims > 1: if not isinstance(value, tuple): raise ValueError('%r is not a tuple' % value) if len(value) != dims: raise ValueError('%r does not contain %dims elements' % (value, dims)) return value def _calculate_spans(self, keys, dims): if not keys: raise ValueError('keys cannot be empty') if dims > 1: spans = [] for dim in range(dims): dim_spans = [] last_value = None span = 0 for i, key in enumerate(keys): value = key[dim] if span == 0: for j, comparison in enumerate(keys[i:]): if comparison[dim] == key[dim]: span += 1 else: break dim_spans.append(span) else: dim_spans.append(0) span -= 1 spans.append(dim_spans) return {key: tuple(spans[d][i] for d in range(dims)) for i, key in enumerate(keys)} else: return {key: (1,) for key in keys} @property def rows(self): """ An ordered sequence of keys for the rows of the table. If :attr:`row_dims` is greater than one, then this is a sequence of tuples. These values, combined with :attr:`cols` can be used to index :attr:`data` in display order like so:: for row in table.rows: for col in table.cols: print([(row, col)]) """ return self._rows @property def row_dims(self): """ The number of dimensions within the row keys. If this is greater than one, then :attr:`rows` is a sequence of tuples. """ return self._row_dims @property def rows_iter(self): """ Returns an iterator over :attr:`rows` where each key is returned as a tuple, regardless. This property is intended to make renderers simpler. """ for row in self._rows: if self.row_dims > 1: yield row else: yield (row,) @property def row_titles(self): """ Returns :attr:`rows_title` as a tuple, regardless. This property is intended to make renderers simpler. """ if self.row_dims > 1: return self.rows_title else: return (self.rows_title,) @property def row_units(self): """ Returns :attr:`rows_unit` as a tuple, regardless. This property is intended to make renderers simpler. """ if self.row_dims > 1: return self.rows_unit else: return (self.rows_unit,) @property def row_spans(self): """ A mapping of row keys (as tuples, as from :attr:`rows_iter`) to a tuple of row spans. For example, consider the following sequence of row keys:: (1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 1), (2, 2) This would generate the following row spans mapping:: { (1, 1): (3, 1), (1, 2): (0, 1), (1, 3): (0, 1), (2, 1): (2, 1), (2, 2): (0, 1), } Indicating that the first element of the first key should span three rows, and that the subsequent first elements within the spanned rows should not be rendered at all. This property is intended to make renderers that target human-readable formats simpler. """ return self._row_spans @property def cols(self): """ An ordered sequence of keys for the columns of the table. If :attr:`col_dims` is greater than one, this this is a sequence of tuples. These values, combined with :attr:`rows` can be used to index :attr:`data` in display order like so:: for row in table.rows: for col in table.cols: print([(row, col)]) """ return self._cols @property def col_dims(self): """ The number of dimensions within the column keys. If this is greater than one, then :attr:`cols` is a sequence of tuples. """ return self._col_dims @property def cols_iter(self): """ Returns an iterator over :attr:`cols` where each key is returned as a tuple, regardless. """ for col in self._cols: if self.col_dims > 1: yield col else: yield (col,) @property def col_titles(self): """ Returns :attr:`cols_title` as a tuple, regardless. This property is intended to make renderers simpler. """ if self.col_dims > 1: return self.cols_title else: return (self.cols_title,) @property def col_units(self): """ Returns :attr:`cols_unit` as a tuple, regardless. This property is intended to make renderers simpler. """ if self.col_dims > 1: return self.cols_unit else: return (self.cols_unit,) @property def col_spans(self): """ A mapping of col keys (as tuples, as from :attr:`cols_iter`) to a tuple of col spans. See :attr:`row_spans` for an example of the mapping returned. """ return self._col_spans @property def data(self): """ The data contained within the table. This is presented as a dict keyed by `(row_key, col_key)` tuples. To retrieve data in the same order as it should be presented, iterate over the :attr:`rows` and :attr:`cols` attributes. """ if self._data is None: self._data = { (row, col): self._func(row, col) for row in self.rows for col in self.cols } self._func = None return self._data @property def data_iter(self): """ Returns an iterator over :attr:`data` where each key, value combination is returned as a tuple of (row_key, col_key, value), and each row and column key is returned as a tuple, regardless of the number of row and column dimensions. Furthermore, items are returned in declared row then column order. This property is intended to make renderers simpler. """ for row_tuple, row_key in zip(self.rows_iter, self.rows): for col_tuple, col_key in zip(self.cols_iter, self.cols): yield row_tuple, col_tuple,[(row_key, col_key)] @property def as_ndarray(self): """ Returns the content of the table as a `numpy`_ :class:`ndarray` with the shape ``(rows, cols)``. Rows and columns will be in the order given by the :attr:`rows` and :attr:`cols` attributes. Please note that row and column keys are *not* included in the resulting array (as ndarrays purposely do not support heterogeneous data types). .. warning:: Accessing this property will implicitly import the numpy module. This is not done during module import to avoid creating an explicit dependency on numpy. .. _numpy: """ import numpy as np return np.asarray( [ [[(row, col)] for col in self.cols] for row in self.rows ], dtype=np.float) @property def as_dataframe(self): """ Returns the content of the table as a `pandas`_ :class:`DataFrame`. The :attr:`rows` and :attr:`cols` attributes will be included as the index and columns of the resulting DataFrame. .. warning:: Accessing this property will implicitly import the pandas module. This is not done during module import to avoid creating an explicit dependency on pandas. .. _pandas: """ import pandas as pd if self.row_dims == 1: rows_index = pd.Index(self.rows, name=self.rows_title) else: rows_index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(self.rows, names=self.rows_title) if self.col_dims == 1: cols_index = pd.Index(self.cols, name=self.cols_title) else: cols_index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(self.cols, names=self.cols_title) return pd.DataFrame(self.as_ndarray, index=rows_index, columns=cols_index) def __repr__(self): return '<Table name="%s">' % def __str__(self): # Calculate maximum columns lengths. Firstly, row headers if self.row_dims > 1: max_col_lens = [ max(len(str(row[i]).strip()) for row in self.rows) for i in range(self.row_dims) ] else: max_col_lens = [ max(len(str(row).strip()) for row in self.rows) ] # then column headers and data... if self.col_dims > 1: max_col_lens.extend([ max( max(len(str([(row, col)]).strip()) for row in self.rows), # lengths of all col values *(len(str(header).strip()) for header in col) # length of col header(s) ) for col in self.cols ]) else: max_col_lens.extend([ max( max(len(str([(row, col)]).strip()) for row in self.rows), len(str(col).strip()), ) for col in self.cols ]) result = '' # Print the column headers if self.col_dims > 1: for i in range(self.col_dims): result += ' | '.join( '%*s' % (max_col_len, str(col[i])) for max_col_len, col in zip( max_col_lens, (('',) * self.col_dims,) * self.row_dims + self.cols) ) result += '\n' else: result += ' | '.join( '%*s' % (max_col_len, str(col)) for max_col_len, col in zip( max_col_lens, ('',) * self.row_dims + self.cols) ) result += '\n' # Print a separator row result += '-+-'.join( '-' * max_col_len for max_col_len in max_col_lens ) result += '\n' # Print the data rows for row in self.rows: if self.row_dims > 1: result += ' | '.join( '%*s' % (max_col_len, value) for max_col_len, value in zip( max_col_lens, [ str(head).strip() for head in row ] + [ str([(row, col)]).strip() for col in self.cols ] ) ) else: result += ' | '.join( '%*s' % (max_col_len, value) for max_col_len, value in zip( max_col_lens, [str(row).strip()] + [ str([(row, col)]).strip() for col in self.cols ] ) ) result += '\n' if sys.version_info.major < 3: return result.encode('utf-8') return result